One of important parts in photography is angle photography techniques. There are several types of angle techniques you can use. By using those techniques, you will get more variations and not monotonous. Moreover, it determines whether the message can be delivered well or not. So, what kind of angle photography techniques Jakarta you can use to enrich your photos?
Eye Level Angle

This technique is also known as normal angle. The key of using this technique is the position of the camera. Place the camera equal with the object. For example, you want to shot a human as an object, so the camera has to be placed equal with the head or the eyes of the object. This technique is commonly used by photographers who want to shot human being with its activity or human interest. The face of the object is clearly seen including their wrinkles, smile, and many more. It is a perfect technique to popup the characteristic of an object.
The Bird’s Eye View Angle
Just like the name, this angle photography technique is inspired from the eyes of a flying bird. Because of that the angle has to be taken from high places so the object is wider. It can be done from the skyscraper, the highest floor of a building, plane, and many more. In this technology era, the bird’s eye view angle can be done easier with drone. This technique is commonly used to shot landscape, the scenery of city, the road, and specific formation.
High Angle

This technique is different than the bird’s eye view angle although they are taken from the high areas. The different is on the high level. For a human being object, the camera is placed a little bit higher from the head of the object. It makes the head of the object bigger than the body and legs or tapered. It is used to deliver unique characteristic or activity of the object without losing the surrounding. The viewers are focus on the main object.
Low Angle

This is also one of popular angle photography techniques, Jakarta. The photographers are taken the angle from the bottom to the top. Position of the camera is below the head of the object. The result is also tapered but from the bottom to the top. The legs of the object will be bigger than the head. It is also used to show unique characteristic such as a digger or a climber.
Frog Eye Level Angle
Have you ever seen a down photographer while shooting their object? Actually, they are using frog eye level angle. The position of the camera has to be under the object. It is the opposite of the eye level angle. It can be used for product promotion or shooting a specific movement.
Canted Angle
If you ever see slopping photos, the photographers might use this technique. The camera is sloped so the result looks sloping. It is used to create a unique photo.
Oblique Angle
It is similar to canted angle. The camera is placed slopping just like what you need. The result will be different than the others. is a trusted and professional photography service. The team has been learn and experienced enough to use the best angle photography techniques, Jakarta for maximal result.