Each person must need a photographwhich is printed for a particular purpose. And they sometimes be confused with image size thet they need because in photography it’s using”R”. Most people do not know the actual size of R (in cm or inches) is. As information, the initial “R” is a term defined by the International Standards ISO to symbolize the image size in the photography.
So, it’s normal that manypeople do not know the actual size because it is used only to determine the size of the image. Therefore you must know the size of the photos, if not, what you get is the blurry and unclear photos. We will let you know the actual size of the image in cm and inches so that you are not confused anymore ..
Image Code
2R |
3R |
4R |
5R |
6R |
8R |
10R |
10R plus |
12R |
16R |
20R |
24R |
30R |
In theory, the standard for photo printing is 300dpi (Dot Per Inch). So if you want to print photos, you must pay attention to the image resolution to maintain the sharpness and color of your photos. So that you know how good resolution to maintain the quality of the photos you take, we will give you an example
For example, you want to print the image with a size 5R. Where 5R has the size (12.70 cm x 17.78 cm)
(12.70cm : 2.54) x 300dpi = 1500 pixel
(17.78cm : 2.54) x 300dpi = 2100 pixel
Thus, the minimum resolution required to print photos 5R size is 1500 x 2100 pixels.

This is the complete printing photo size & minimum resolution.
Image Code
2R |
3R |
4R |
5R |
6R |
8R |
10R |
10R plus |
12R |
16R |
20R |
24R |
30R |
750 x 1050 |
1050 x 1500 |
1205 x 1795 |
1500 x 2102 |
1795 x 2551 |
2398 x 3000 |
3000 x 3602 |
3000 x 4500 |
3600 x 4500 |
4800 x 6000 |
6000 x 7200 |
7200 x 9450 |
8868 x 1811 |
But if you want to do enlargement on the photos to print, you must pay attention to the following points. Namely, the level of complexity of the pictures taken, the image less sharp and dark tend to be less well printout if done enlargement. As well as very easy if you take a picture with a camera that provides RAW mode and TIFF mode the picture is taken, in the case of RAW files and TIFF files are not compressed at all so it’s possible to resize so that the prints can be larger. Because RAW or TIFF mode different from the standard mode in general, which only has a compression rate between 5-10.Moreover, it is usually difficult to increase the size of the image.
Based on our experience as photo services, most of our clients request to print the pictures. We will print according to the needs of our clients. Normally we adjust the picture format. For JPEG files we limit the maximum magnification of 200% of the original image with fairly good results for the size 20R.For the above size 20R we will definitely use images using RAW format because it can increase up to 400% of the original image.